Hello, I have XML data as values of requestbody field in Splunk search below, need field summary on the break down of XML data, XML data is complex one and provided a sample of the XML data, how to ...
Hello, So I have to count the number of resulted fields, it doesn't go far than this. for my search I have index=example sourcetype=example source=example, and the goal is to know how many fields ...
My apologies for such a noob question. I literally got dropped into a Splunk environment and I know little to nothing about it. I have an index (foo as an example) and I'm told it's based on O...
How can I get only results for specific fields where field name is like something ?
get all fields which have "status" in their field name.
I tried this but It doesnt work:
I'm trying to search for multiple strings within all fields of my index using fieldsummary, e.g.
| fieldsummary
| search values="*DAN012A Dance*" OR values="*2148 FNT004F N...
I am using Splunk ES and trying to match my IDS logs to the Intrusion Detection data model. I thought I did all preparatory steps required but when clicking in the ES app Search > Datasets > ...
I am trying to better learn what data is in the indexes at my company. There is a command that gives you something like a summary of an index (or index and source type), but I forget that...
I have events with JSON in them and I need to know what % of the time each field appears.
The fieldset in the events is not consistent, sometimes an event has many, sometimes only a few, the name ...
...se to strip off all the fields and their extracted fields but I have no idea where they are coming from, what is their sourcetype and source:
| search values!="[]"
| rex f...