Dashboard Helpdesk

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Dashboard Helpdesk

Dashboard Helpdesk
If you’ve ever helped someone troubleshoot … literally any tech problem … you first have to qualify the problem. One cannot fix something if they don’t know what’s wrong. (Ok well you can - anyone who’s ever used their lips as a high-pressure air nozzle for a Nintendo cartridge or shaken the computer a few times and it started behaving may disagree - but I assert this is blind luck and don’t condone proactive violence) With Splunk dashboards - and especially complex Splunk dashboards - keeping track of tokens can be a nightmare. Your end users may not be super-tech-savvy. They may have NO idea what’s going on with Splunk under the covers. Introducing the Dashboard Helpdesk. Dashboard Helpdesk gives Splunk Admins (and any other level that provide troubleshooting) the ability to see the holistic user experience at the time they experienced the issue. User account info? <span class="lia-unicode-emoji" title=":white_heavy_check_mark:">✅</span> State of the Splunk environment? <span class="lia-unicode-emoji" title=":white_heavy_check_mark:">✅</span> All installed apps? <span class="lia-unicode-emoji" title=":white_heavy_check_mark:">✅</span> User environment? <span class="lia-unicode-emoji" title=":white_heavy_check_mark:">✅</span> SCREENSHOT OF THE DASHBOARD? <span class="lia-unicode-emoji" title=":white_heavy_check_mark:">✅</span> TOKENS? <span class="lia-unicode-emoji" title=":white_heavy_check_mark:">✅</span> …wait. which tokens? All of them. The form tokens. The dashboard tokens. The default token model. The submitted token model. AND, with some of the parameters, you can see in real-time (yes, real REAL time, not near-time or “real” time) a comparison of the current state of the parameters versus the state when the person submitted the issue report. Compatible with Splunk versions from 7.2 to 9.0, and in Splunk Cloud and Enterprise, enabling this functionality requires only installing the Dashboard Helpdesk app. The only (for now) configurable bit is the index in which you’d like to story the issue report. Download or install the Dashboard Helpdesk today from Splunkbase to (don’t use the cliche supercharge, Paul) to wormhole qualifying issues your end users have from 5-6 hops to 0. With only 4 lines of code on any #SimpleXML dashboard, Dashboard Helpdesk starts working its magic. Bring the ultimate observability to your Splunk dashboards! Please feel free to schedule some time with us if you need help installing or configuring - scheduling link can be found on the Details tab above. Happy Splunking!
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