I am amazed that I have to ask this, but I've been hunting around on the Splunk training site for the past 20 minutes.
I registered (and began) my Splunk Fundamentals 1 training module last week, and I'd like to continue.
I simply cannot find a link anywhere that takes me back to my course.
Re-registering for the course does no good; it simply tells me I am already registered.
Is this real life? Is this website really that bad or is it just me?
Hi blunky
I just checked in with the Edu team, and they provided these instructions:
While logged in to splunk.com, click on the profile icon at the top right of the page in the header and select "My Dashboard" where you can find your registered courses.
Here is the direct link as well:
Thanks and let me know if you have any issues.
Thank you @ppablo, this helped me to find my free registered course. I thought it had been removed from my account, but I was wrong, with your link I was able to get to it again.