Splunk Search

totals for a transaction


I have a system with customers interacting with a catalogue, stepping through the menus, searching etc. I can chunk these into transactions using user ID & time period (max 7 mins, max pause 1 min).

I've got it as far as combining the numbers into a count of each type of system request by transaction, and the server resources used by system request type, all on a single line (using transaction with mvlist=t, then mvzip -> mvexpand as explained link:here(http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.3.3/SearchReference/Mvexpand "mvexpand"), then chart over _time by system request type).

I'm stuck on 2 final steps:
- how to preserve one and only one copy of the duration & eventcount from the transaction into the final row
- how to create total_count & total_process_time from the count* & process_time* fields across the row

Can anyone point me at the right answer?


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1 Solution

Revered Legend

Give this a try

sourcetype=requests source="*STATUS*"
   | transaction client_ip_address maxspan=7m maxpause=1m keeporphans mvlist=t
   | eval client_ip_address=mvindex(client_ip_address,0)
   | eval munge=mvzip(api, process_micros, "|") | fields - api, process_micros
   | mvexpand munge
   | rex field=munge "(?<api>.+)\|(?<process_micros>.+)"
   | eval munge=client_ip_address. "|" . _time."|".duration
   | chart count sum(process_micros) AS process_micros OVER munge BY api
   | rex field=munge "(?<client_ip_address>.+)\|(?<time>\d+)\|(?<duration>\d+)"
   | table _time, client_ip_address, duration, eventcount, count*, process_micros*
   | addtotals count* fieldname=total_count | addtotals process_micros* fieldname=total_process_micros 

View solution in original post

Revered Legend

Give this a try

sourcetype=requests source="*STATUS*"
   | transaction client_ip_address maxspan=7m maxpause=1m keeporphans mvlist=t
   | eval client_ip_address=mvindex(client_ip_address,0)
   | eval munge=mvzip(api, process_micros, "|") | fields - api, process_micros
   | mvexpand munge
   | rex field=munge "(?<api>.+)\|(?<process_micros>.+)"
   | eval munge=client_ip_address. "|" . _time."|".duration
   | chart count sum(process_micros) AS process_micros OVER munge BY api
   | rex field=munge "(?<client_ip_address>.+)\|(?<time>\d+)\|(?<duration>\d+)"
   | table _time, client_ip_address, duration, eventcount, count*, process_micros*
   | addtotals count* fieldname=total_count | addtotals process_micros* fieldname=total_process_micros 


Perfect, apart from the rex needing "\d+\.\d+" as the match for time and duration.


0 Karma


Minor correction. The duration match needs to be \d+(\.\d+) as singletons have a duration of 0.

0 Karma

Revered Legend

Can you provide you full query and current and expected output fields?

0 Karma


Information in each log record are: timestamp, client_ip_address, api, process_micros

sourcetype=requests source="*STATUS*"
  | transaction client_ip_address maxspan=7m maxpause=1m keeporphans mvlist=t
  | eval client_ip_address=mvindex(client_ip_address,0)
  | eval munge=mvzip(api, process_micros, "|") | fields - api, process_micros
  | mvexpand munge
  | eval api=replace(munge, "\|.*$", "")
  | eval process_micros=replace(munge, "^.*\|", "")
  | eval munge=client_ip_address. "|" . _time
  | chart count sum(process_micros) AS process_micros OVER munge BY api
  | eval client_ip_address=replace(munge, "\|.*$", "")
  | eval _time=replace(munge, "^.*\|", "")
  | table _time, client_ip_address, duration, eventcount, count*, process_micros*, total_count, total_process_micros

missing & required are total_count = sum(count*) for the transaction, and total_process_micros = sum(process_micros*), and duration from the transaction

0 Karma

Esteemed Legend

I hate to be so unimaginative, but will you provide a sample of the output as it exists after this command is run?

0 Karma
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