I am using below query to get the details of alarms which has (one Warning and one OK status) or (one Critical and one OK status) per checkname and device. Now how to get the time difference(duration) between the ok and warning messages or ok and critical messages?
index=abc sourcetype=alarms |stats count by Device CheckName Status _time | sort - _time
please help
Maybe the delta command is what you're looking for?
for example:
| delta_time as timedifference
| table timedifference _time
Hi @surekhasplunk,
as @to4kawa said, it's difficoult to help you without informations!
Anyway, analyzing your search, I can image that for each device you have different checknames.
In this case you could modify your search in this way:
index=abc sourcetype=alarms
| stats earliest(_time) AS earliest latest(_time) AS latest values(Status) AS Status dc(Status) AS dc_Status by Device CheckName
| where dc_Status>1
| eval diff=latest-earliest
The logic is that:
Sorry for not uploading valued info.
I am uploading again... here the First Column Device i am giving details of 1 single device but here multiple devices can come when i dont filter for that device name.
And for each checkname there can be one or more ok and warning or ok and critical messages
Hi @surekhasplunk,
is there ani other information that can be used to identify each transaction?
if yes, use it in the BY clause and you'll have the results.
If not, you have to use the transaction command (very slow!), something like this:
index=abc sourcetype=alarms
| transaction Device CheckName startwith="Critical OR Warning" endswith"OK"
| where duration>0
Hi @gcusello ,
Do i have to concatenate the CheckName and Status fields together for the query to work ?
As i modified your query to add the Status field as that holds the value Critical/Warning/OK
whereas CheckName field is common between the events. And i receive 0 results am not sure why
index=abc sourcetype=alarms
| transaction Device CheckName Status startswith="Critical OR Warning" endswith="OK"
| where duration>0
Hi @surekhasplunk,
no, if you use also Status in the transaction keys you'll never be able to build the transaction between Critical or Warning and OK because the Status is different.
You need to correlate events with the same Device and Checknames, that starts with Critical or Warning and finish with OK.
index=abc sourcetype=alarms |stats range(_time) as duration min(_time) as _time by Device CheckName | sort - _time
How about this?
I don't know anything because you've deleted all the important parts.