I have two fields : In-Time and Out-Time
Here is some sample entries
In-Time Out-Time
8:33 17:39
8:44 17:45
8:83 17:50
Here i wanted to subtract Out-Time with In-Time and display the result as new field
I tried with the below query:
host="sample" | eval Newfield=(Out_Time - In_Time) | table Newfield
But if i do so ,its not generating the output(showing blank).Is it because of the ":" in between the time ? how this can be done?
Hi ,
source="dbmon-tail://idwarehouse/idw_account" application=TFAYD [|inputlookup execSSO.csv |rename sso as owner] |eval exp_date=strftime(relative_time(strptime(lastPasswordChange,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),"+90d"), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") |eval CurrentTime=strftime(now(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") |rex field=exp_date "(?\d+) (?\d+):(?\d+)" | rex field=CurrentTime "(?\d+) (?\d+):(?\d+)" | eval in_s = (in_d *86400)+(in_h * 3600) + (in_m * 60) | eval out_s = (out_d * 86400)+(out_h * 3600) + (out_m * 60) | eval diff = in_s - out_s |eval tot_d = floor(diff/86400) |eval diff = diff - (tot_d * 86400) | eval tot_h = floor(diff/3600) | eval diff = diff - (tot_h * 3600) |eval tot_m = (diff/60) | eval duration = tot_d . ":" . tot_h . ":" . tot_m
I tried the above query , it is working good , but month wise result is wrong .
i want to minux two field , it is exp_date - CurrentTime
my output ,
CurrentTime =2014-10-09 13:19:55
application =TFAYD
duration =15:5:43
exp_date =2014-12-24 19:02:04
in_d =24
in_h =19
in_m =02
in_s =2142120
lastPasswordChange =2014-09-25 19:02:04
out_d =09
out_h =13
out_m =19
out_s =825540
owner =206046611
refreshedDate =2014-10-09 12:26:05
sourcetype =mysql
tot_d =15
tot_h =5
tot_m =43
in_d - out_d , 24 -9 = 15 (tot_d) .... but it is wrong ...
2014-12-24 19:02:04 (exp_date) - (CurrentTime ) 2014-10-09 13:19:55 .... it is only doing minus ... 24-9 ... not month wise ...
Thank u ...
You'll have to do it manually I think. According to the docs, mstime()
will deal with MM:SS.SSS, not with HH:MM (which is what I suspect you are using).
... | rex field=In_Time "(?<in_h>\d+):(?<in_m>\d+)"
| rex field=Out_Time "(?<out_h>\d+):(?<out_m>\d+)"
| eval in_s = (in_h * 3600) + (in_m * 60)
| eval out_s = (out_h * 3600) + (out_m * 60)
| eval diff = out_s - in_s
| eval tot_h = floor(diff/3600)
| eval diff = diff - (tot_h * 3600)
| eval tot_m = diff/60
| eval Duration = tot_h . ":" . tot_m
Or you could do some clever manipulation with convert dur2sec(field)
and eval
...| convert dur2sec(In_Time) dur2sec(Out_Time)
| eval dur_in_sec = Out_Time - In_Time
| eval Duration = strftime(dur_in_sec, "%H:%M")
Which I have not tested. Techically Duration
would be a timestamp sometime in Januray 1st, 1970 - but since you only extract the hour:minute part, that would be irrelevant.
Hope this helps (and that it works),
I don't think strftime is correct, either: try "| stats count | eval foo=strftime(1, "%H:%M")". I'm in eastern daylight time (-0500), and I get "19:00".
Hi MuS! Yup, seems right. Took me a few minutes to write that down. tostring()
also seems like a more intuitive idea than strftime()
Hi /k, see my update came up with the same in the end - dur2sec works and mstime() fails because of the missing MM:SS.SSS format
Hi ChhayaV
you can use the convert
command on Out_Time
and In_Time
to do your eval
, take a look at the examples in docs.
After some testing and proofing, this works for me:
host="sample" | convert dur2sec(Out_Time) dur2sec(In_Time) | eval diff=(Out_Time - In_Time) | eval Newfield=tostring(diff, "duration") | table Newfield
This was tested and it will convert Out_Time and In_Time into second values, the eval will substract it and the last eval will revert it into HH:MM format.
hope it works and helps
cheers, MuS
Help, my eval subtraction is not working:
| convert ctime(_time) AS time
| eval TID=if(Type=="Inbound",obj_type,corrID)
| eval inboundTime=if(Type=="Inbound",time,null())
| eval outboundTime=if(Type=="Outbound",time,null())
| eval ResponseTime=strptime(outboundTime,"%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S.%N")-strptime(inboundTime,"%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S.%N")
| stats values(inboundTime) AS starttime values(outboundTime) AS endtime values(ResponseTime) as ResponseTime by TID
i even tried
| eval ResponseTime=outboundTime-inboundTime
but there's no output
. . .
| stats values(inboundTime) AS starttime values(outboundTime) AS endtime values(ResponseTime) as ResponseTime by TID
this result is starttime
, endtime
, ResponseTime
and TID
| eval ResponseTime=outboundTime-inboundTime
both fields are nothing.
the start and end have time. but when i do this: | eval ResponseTime=outboundTime-inboundTime
there is no result.
here's the sample:
TID starttime endtime ResponseTime
0b44ffc9-8e92-44a0-b487-da9acba0bc52 01/21/2020 00:12:45.168 01/21/2020 00:12:45.362
0d501b27-ad34-4481-bc16-7c029baa8bec 01/21/2020 00:10:56.951 01/21/2020 00:10:57.293
there's no response time by simply eval ResponseTime=outbound-inbound
your starttime
and endtime
are both STRING because | convert ctime(_time) AS time
String cannot be calculated.
please convert both to UNIX epoch time.
yes we can and see my update, did some tests and this works fine for me.
Can we use two convert statements in a single search query (as we have used in the above example)?
Yes,tried with the same thing but itime column values are coming blank.