Query is:
index=xyz source ="File1.log" [ search index=xyz source="File2.log" search_input | rex ".]*Rpc id :(?[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])" | eval ID = "" + ID + "*" | return $ID ]
It returns the results for ID='2138536' (2 events as expected) but also returns additional events (5 more message events) for other IDs.
Please advise if there is anything wrong with the query.
what is the logic of the result that you are expecting? are you expecting to see only the common ones between File1.log and File2,log ? you can try using set intersect here, which should get you only the common entries.
Run the subsearch by itself to see what results it produces. Those results will be what the main search looks for so make sure they are correct before continuing.
index=xyz source ="File1.log" [ search index=xyz source="File2.log" search_input | rex ".]Rpc id :(?[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])" | eval ID = "" + ID + "" | return $ID ]