I have a log file that has the host as either an IP address OR a FQDN. This is easy, right. Nope. The format can be:
192 .168.1.1inbox/to/another-file
I can regex the ip easy enough \d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}
so that handles the first two . .
For the third one, I can do a greedy up to / [^/]+
problem is the last one, actually...
The perfect solution would be one regex for the extract regardless. Written out it would be:
everything up to either / or the word 'inbox'
That way, I can do the extract as :
(?<HOST>(provided regex))
The full entry is gathered by:
I need the ???? part replaced with a regex that will do as described above.
2014.04.28 14:10 B n:\path\one\to\fileone <--
This works with your sample data.
|stats count |fields - count | eval host=",192 .168.1.1inbox/to/another-file,host.com/inbox/to/file,host.cominbox/to/another-file" | eval host=split(host,",") | mvexpand host | rex field=host "^(?<hostName>[^/]*)(/)*inbox"
Tried this and worked fine.
|stats count |fields - count | eval host="host.in.com/inbox/to/file,host.incinbox/to/another-file,host.inbox.com/inbox/to/file,host.inboxcinbox/to/another-file" | eval host=split(host,",") | mvexpand host | rex field=host "^(?
That sort of works.. but concerned if the FQDN has an 'i' in it.