When i am using the table command ? i am not getting the fields in the order i have ginen ??
how can i do it be in the same order which i have mentioned ??
my query is :
soucetype="mydata" | table _raw,Recieved,Sent
i want this order of display . but i am gettin in Received,Sent,_raw in this order ..pls help..i want the same order mentiond with the table commmand ..
it took me some reading the docs and trying out of some commands and I got what you are looking for 😉
the easiest way is to rename _raw to anything and use the new field name in the table:
soucetype="mydata" | rename _raw as newraw | table newraw, Recieved, Sent
there are probably more effective ways of doing this, but it worked for example you provided and it answers your question.
| table Receive,sent,_raw
Best way to do it as below
soucetype="mydata" | rename _raw as newraw | table Recieved, Sent, newraw
it will adjust raw data at most right position.
it took me some reading the docs and trying out of some commands and I got what you are looking for 😉
the easiest way is to rename _raw to anything and use the new field name in the table:
soucetype="mydata" | rename _raw as newraw | table newraw, Recieved, Sent
there are probably more effective ways of doing this, but it worked for example you provided and it answers your question.
Thans Mus .. i got it now ..:)
rakesh, sorry but I hope you are aware that you can scroll a windows not only up and down but also to the left or to the right? _raw is usually very long, therefore received and sent are WAY ON THE RIGHT of your screen.
Hi MuS,
when i am used like this..i am getting the newraw values alone...Received , Sent are not at all displayin ..pls help..
Use fields
fields _raw,Received,Sent
fields command is not working like this .... 😞