Okay so this question has never been asked or answered before so here goes...Hoping someone can assist.
[ inputlookup exfil_filenames
| fields file_name ]
| table file_name matching_criteria
The above query has a lookup which has 2 columns: file_name, matching_criteria. The only difference between them is the items in matching_criteria do not have asterisks. Example:
file_name matching_criteria
*hello* hello
*world* world
Currently the query returns files that match the lookup field "file_name" but in addition to that I also need the corresponding matching criteria value to be associated and returned in the main search. So this is what I'd like to see as the result:
| table file_name matching_criteria
file_name matching_criteria
hello_file.xls hello
world_bank.virus world
SSN_dump.zip SSN
God speed! Hopefully I explained it clearly. Thanks in advanced.
Are you familiar with the lookup
command, and is there a reason that doesn't work for you? If you check out the docs here https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/8.0.0/SearchReference/Lookup, it does essentially what you want (join/lookup on a value, and optionally OUTPUT
any fields you want).
Example that should work for you:
| lookup exfil_filenames file_name OUTPUT matching_criteria
|table file_name matching_criteria
Alternatively and perhaps more performantly,
[ inputlookup exfil_filenames
| fields file_name ]
| lookup exfil_filenames file_name OUTPUT matching_criteria
| table file_name matching_criteria
You also don't need the wildcards in the csv, there is an option in the lookup configuration that allows you do wildcard a field when doing lookup matches: Settings -> Lookups -> Lookup definitions -> filter to yours -> click it -> advanced options -> Match type -> WILDCARD(file_name).
Hope this helps!
The reason it wasn't working was because I had wildcard (asterisks) in the lookup file. When I removed those and used the advanced features method aberkow recommended instead, the matching_criteria column returned results.
Splunk gremlin
Are you familiar with the lookup
command, and is there a reason that doesn't work for you? If you check out the docs here https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/8.0.0/SearchReference/Lookup, it does essentially what you want (join/lookup on a value, and optionally OUTPUT
any fields you want).
Example that should work for you:
| lookup exfil_filenames file_name OUTPUT matching_criteria
|table file_name matching_criteria
Alternatively and perhaps more performantly,
[ inputlookup exfil_filenames
| fields file_name ]
| lookup exfil_filenames file_name OUTPUT matching_criteria
| table file_name matching_criteria
You also don't need the wildcards in the csv, there is an option in the lookup configuration that allows you do wildcard a field when doing lookup matches: Settings -> Lookups -> Lookup definitions -> filter to yours -> click it -> advanced options -> Match type -> WILDCARD(file_name).
Hope this helps!
aberkow thank you for your response. I have tried both examples you have provided. In both scenarios the file_name column populates results however the matching_criteria column is blank; not displaying the matching value.
I should point out that unlike file_name, matching_criteria is not a field in the index. It's only a column header in the lookup table.