I am working on a search that returns counts by the hour but when the event has not occur, I would still like to fill in the column with zeros instead of it not appearing at all. I have tried fillnull, eval = if, eval =ifnull and it still has the same behavior. Any ideas? How do I create dummy data for when this occurs.
sourcetype=x Or sourcetype=y Or Sourcetype=z |timchart count span=1h by sourcetype
After you timechart command add:
| table _time, sourcetype1, sourcetype2, sourcetype3
| fillnull sourcetype1, sourcetype2, sourcetype3
This should still display the data as a timechart but creating the missing fields to be subject "fillnull"
After you timechart command add:
| table _time, sourcetype1, sourcetype2, sourcetype3
| fillnull sourcetype1, sourcetype2, sourcetype3
This should still display the data as a timechart but creating the missing fields to be subject "fillnull"
That works!! Thanks!1
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No problem
Add the usenull flag to the timechart command -
sourcetype=x OR sourcetype=y OR sourcetype=z | timchart span=1h usenull=true count by sourcetype
Tried that too, it didn't work either.
You have to ensure that there is at least 1 event from each of the of sourcetype so that you can see 0 values for those.
If any of x or y or z has no events at all in the time range you are searching, they won't show up in the results with 0 values for any of the time range.
So there is no way to pad these sources with zero when there are no events?
Try this -
sourcetype=x OR sourcetype=y OR sourcetype=z | timchart span=1h usenull=true count by sourcetype | fillnull value=0 x y z
sourcetype=x Or sourcetype=y Or Sourcetype=z |timechart count span=1h by sourcetype
Also tried usenull, it didn't work either.