I have a dashboard with 2 Panels, which share one droplist input.
droplist has name/values as ALL/*, a/a, b/b, c/c, etc.
for panel 1, whatever is selected, | search fieldname = $tokename$,
but for panel 2, when ALL/* selected, |search fieldname = $tokenname$ as panel1, but when other values are selected, Iwant a suffix _CB to be added at the end, for example, when a/a selected, search should be built like |search fieldname=a_CB.
thx in advance.
Set another token in the change handler of the dropdown to add the _CB to the dropdown token value.
should I use \ to convert *? but I did try it as below, doesn't work either.
<eval token="t_VQ_CB">if(match(value, "\*"),value, value+"_CB")</eval>
You could try if(value=="*",value,value."_CB")
<eval token="t_VQ">if(value=="*",value,value)</eval>
I changed 1st token to if... like 2nd token, it looks it works fine.
will do more testing.
Btw, will this unnecessary "if" expression causes a little unnecessary performance issue?
Not significantly since it only evaluated when the input dropdown is evaluated
Hi, ITWhisperer,
I did remember what you explained to me last time for that hidden feature in a text input.
not very familiar with the grammar here.
<input type="dropdown" token="t_VQ_with2Handlers" searchWhenChanged="true">
<label>Virtual Queue</label>
<eval token="t_VQ"></eval> ( this one is for Panel1, value no change), should I leave here blank?
<eval token="t_VQ_CB">if(match(value, "*"),value, value+"_CB")</eval> (this one is for panel2, if value is *, keep value no change, if not *, value+"_CB")
I tried this, but doesn't work.
<input type="dropdown" token="t_VQ_with2Handlers" searchWhenChanged="true">
<label>Virtual Queue</label>
<eval token="t_VQ">t_VQ = t_VQ_with2Handlers</eval> like this ?do I still need $ symbol?
<eval token="t_VQ_CB">if(match(value, "*"),value, value+"_CB")</eval> (this one is for panel2, if value is *, keep value no change, if not *, value+"_CB")
BTW, is the 2nd <eval token- correct?
Try it like this
<eval token="t_VQ">$t_VQ_with2Handlers$</eval>
The other eval looks like it might work
<eval token="t_VQ">$t_VQ_with2Handlers$</eval>
<eval token="t_VQ_CB">if(match(value, "*"),value, value+"_CB")</eval>
1st token t_VQ works as expected, but 2nd token t_VQ_CB,
| search VQ=$t_VQ_CB$ (VQ is the field name),
in the panel, why always showing Search is waiting for input... it looks there is some syntax error?
or something wrong here? only reselection of this dropdown can refresh value here?
<eval token="t_VQ">$t_VQ_with2Handlers$</eval>
After more testing for token 1 t_VQ,
<eval token="t_VQ">$t_VQ_with2Handlers$</eval>
I noticed when I load the dashboard at the beginning, the panel using this token also shows search is waiting for input (default/initial value are ALL/*),
I have to reselect other value, then change back to ALL/*, then search works.
it's odd why initial load doesn't take dropdown selection?
I suspect it just a timing issue as it is loading the dashboard. You could try creating an init block at the top of the dashboard an initialise all the tokens to their default value
<set token="form.t_VQ_with2Handlers">*</set>
initial loading for token 2 works perfectly.
but for token 1, after I added the following <init></init> at the top, still showing search waiting for input, and I can't open search to check how exactly the search is built.
<set token="form.t_VQ_with2Handlers">*</set>
Perhaps if you could share your SimpleXML in a code block </> we might be able to spot what is going wrong?
1st and 2nd panels using token 1 don't work.
3nd panel using token 2 works perfectly.
Either change the token name for the dropdown to t_VQ or assign t_VQ the the value of the t_VQ_with2Handlers token