Hi ytl,
you need to have read access to index=_audit
and run something like this:
index=_audit action=search info=granted search=* NOT "search_id='scheduler" NOT "search='|history" NOT "user=splunk-system-user" NOT "search='typeahead" NOT "search='| metadata type=* | search totalCount>0" | stats count by user search _time | sort _time | convert ctime(_time) | stats list(_time) as time list(search) as search by user
if this does not match your needs, adapt this search.
Hope this helps ...
cheers, MuS
Hi ytl,
you need to have read access to index=_audit
and run something like this:
index=_audit action=search info=granted search=* NOT "search_id='scheduler" NOT "search='|history" NOT "user=splunk-system-user" NOT "search='typeahead" NOT "search='| metadata type=* | search totalCount>0" | stats count by user search _time | sort _time | convert ctime(_time) | stats list(_time) as time list(search) as search by user
if this does not match your needs, adapt this search.
Hope this helps ...
cheers, MuS
as addition:
If you're on Splunk 6.x you can open this URL and get the same:
how to exclude the searches obtained from a dashboard ?
@nawazns5038, if your intent is to find only the searches which are run through Splunk UI, you can try the following:
index=_audit action=search info=granted search=* NOT "search_id='scheduler" NOT "search='|history" NOT "user=splunk-system-user" NOT "search='typeahead" NOT "search='| metadata type=sourcetypes | search totalCount > 0"
| stats count by _time user search savedsearch_name
| where savedsearch_name=""
| fields - savedsearch_name
PS: savedsearch_name will be given to saved searches and dashboard searches not for the searches run via UI.