Below is the regex I am using
|rex field=_raw "\d*\-\d*\s\d*\:\d*\:\d*\.\d*\s(?<Primary_Server>[^\s]+)\s*(?<Primary_DB>[^\s]+)\s*(?<Secondary_Server>[^\s]+)\s*(?<Secondary_DB>[^\s]+)\s*(?<Status>[^\s]+)\s*(?<Last_Backup_File>[^\s]+)\s*(?<Backup_Threshold>[^\s]+)\s*(\d*\-\d*-\d*\s\d*\:\d*\:\d*\.\d*)\s*(?<TimeSinceLastBackup>[^\s]+)\s*(?<Last_Restored_File>[^\s]+)\s*(?<Restore_Threshold>[^\s]+)\s*(\d*\-\d*\-\d*\s\d*\:\d*\:\d*\.\d*)\s*(?<TimeSinceLastRestore>[^\s]+)\s*(?<LastRestoredLatency>[^\s]+)"
Is there a better way to write the regex or should the limits.conf be increased
Thanks in Advance
First off, you have lots of stars where pluses would do
Second, the pattern seems to match save the last two fields which do not exist in your example event (the data after the date after Restore_Threshold). Should those capture groups have been optional?
Third (this one is completely cosmetic and not functional) I replaced all the [^\s]+ with \S+.
First off, you have lots of stars where pluses would do
Second, the pattern seems to match save the last two fields which do not exist in your example event (the data after the date after Restore_Threshold). Should those capture groups have been optional?
Third (this one is completely cosmetic and not functional) I replaced all the [^\s]+ with \S+.
Thank You.It worked
sample event for example