[|tstats latest(source) as source where source="F:\\FTPROOT\\Splunk Inputs\\IDM_*.csv" | fields source] returns 245,546 events
[|tstats latest(source) as source where source="F:\\FTPROOT\\Splunk Inputs\\IDM_*.csv" | fields source] | eval manager="uid="+uid+",ou=users,dc=cardinalhealth,dc=com" | rename employeeType AS managerEmpType | fields manager | table uid managerEmpType returns 245,546 events
But when I join them thusly:
[|tstats latest(source) as source where source="F:\\FTPROOT\\Splunk Inputs\\IDM_*.csv" | fields source | join manager [search [|tstats latest(source) as source where source="F:\\FTPROOT\\Splunk Inputs\\IDM_*.csv" | fields source] | eval manager="uid="+uid+",ou=users,dc=cardinalhealth,dc=com" | rename employeeType AS managerEmpType | fields manager managerEmpType] table uid managerEmpType
I only get 43,440 matches. In theory, the subsearch should return a match for every event in the primary.
Am I missing something obvious here?
All I am trying to accomplish is take data set A. Modify it so it contains a new attribute managerEmpType. The value can be 1 or 2. This is data set B.
Take original data set A, which contains an attribute called manager. Then build a query that says show me every record where the manager attribute in data set A has a managerEmpType value=1 in data set B.
@Harold9000, seems like you are hitting Subsearch limit which is actually 50K by default for JOIN. Refer to documentation: http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.0.3/Search/Aboutsubsearches#Output_settings_for_subsea...
Since you seem to be running kind of selfjoin. Would it be possible to provide some sample data mock/anonymize any sensitive information and provide more details of what you expect?
@Harold9000, please use the code button (101010)
on Splunk Answers Comments box to ensure that special characters in the Code/SPL do not get escaped. Try editing your question, highlight the SPL Query and press the code button to re-post code.
Thank you. It appears the moderator was kind enough to do it for me.
Hey Harold9000, the joins can be troublesome. I see that you have F:\FTPROOT\Splunk Inputs\IDM_.csv with the IDM_ in the first 2 searches but not in your join search. Was that a typo?
Yes. It was most definitely a typo. Another commenter suggested I "declare" the manager in the first query.
All I am trying to accomplish is create data set B with column managerEmpType. The value can be 1 or 2.
Take original data set A, which contains an attribute called manager. Then build a query that says show me every record where the manager attribute in data set A has a managerEmpType value=1 in data set B.
Make sense?
and of course the *
was omitted in my comment.:
Hey Harold9000, the joins can be troublesome. I see that you have F:\FTPROOT\Splunk Inputs\IDM_*
.csv with the IDM_ *
in the first 2 searches but not in your join search. Was that a typo?
yes.manager field not declared in the first query
Could you please use the below query
[|tstats latest(source) as source where source="F:\FTPROOT\Splunk Inputs\IDM_.csv" | fields source | | eval manager="uid="+uid+",ou=users,dc=cardinalhealth,dc=com" | table manager | join manager [search [|tstats latest(source) as source where source="F:\FTPROOT\Splunk Inputs\IDM_.csv" | fields source] | eval manager="uid="+uid+",ou=users,dc=cardinalhealth,dc=com" | rename employeeType AS managerEmpType | fields manager managerEmpType uid ] |table uid managerEmpType manager