Splunk Search

Why does my search with the mvexpand command never finalize?

Path Finder

Hi guys,

I have a problem with a table with 78k of register.

I'm trying to expand a multivalue field, but the search never finalizes. The search is the following:

source=/home/cyberlabs/reportes/nvdcve_parseado.csv | rex max_match=0 "(?<cpe>(cpe+[.-:\/]*[^#]+))" | table CVE PUBLISHED_DATE cpe | mvexpand cpe

The search without mvexpand works fine, but with the command, it doesn't 😞

Is it a memory problem? I only have 500mb, but this search doesn't return more than 30MB of results. On the other hand, I looked at the search.log and found this:

alt text

The log throws this:

alt text

Problem with limits.conf? Othe ?

Thanks mates, really good community 🙂

Best regards, Buscatrufas.

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Path Finder

But i didn't see any warning for this

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