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Why does chart remove the empty x-values made with |makecontinuous?

New Member

I want to make an evenly spaced x-axis in a dataset with gaps in it and then use chart to make a trellis view based on the variable "testsubject"

I use |makecontinuous to pad a data set with empty x-values to get the distance between the existing data points right in a chart.

The search looks like this:

| tstats avg(ReadCVM1) as ReadCVM1 avg(ReadCVM2) as ReadCVM2 avg(ReadCVM3) as ReadCVM3 avg(ReadCVM4) as ReadCVM4 avg(ReadCVM5) as ReadCVM5 avg(ReadCVM6) as ReadCVM6 avg(ReadCVM7) as ReadCVM7 avg(ReadCVM8) as ReadCVM8 avg(ReadCVM9) as ReadCVM9 avg(ReadCVM10) as ReadCVM10 avg(ReadStackPot) as ReadStackPot avg(ReadCoolTempOut) as ReadCoolTempOut latest(RunPolCurve) as RunPolCurve where index=test_station_log_data AND (testsubject IN (P1211,P1213)) by ReadCurrent testsubject
|where RunPolCurve=1
|eval RoundCurrent = round(ReadCurrent)
|sort testsubject ReadCurrent
|eval RoundCurrent = round(ReadCurrent)
|makecontinuous RoundCurrent span=1
|filldown testsubject
|chart avg(ReadCVM1) as ReadCVM1 avg(ReadCVM2) as ReadCVM2 avg(ReadCVM3) as ReadCVM3 avg(ReadCVM4) as ReadCVM4 avg(ReadCVM5) as ReadCVM5 avg(ReadCVM6) as ReadCVM6 avg(ReadCVM7) as ReadCVM7 avg(ReadCVM8) as ReadCVM8 avg(ReadCVM9) as ReadCVM9 avg(ReadCVM10) as ReadCVM10 by RoundCurrent testsubject

If I remove the chart command, gaps in RoundCurrent has been filled like I want. See below:


After I run the |chart command, the padded regions have been removed again.Can I prevent this from happening?



I found out that I can get them back by running |makecontinuous after the |chart command, but then I loose the ability to make a trellis view split by "testsubject". I need this to present it properly in a dashboard.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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