Hi, I want to generate a timechart count of actual values and overlay a trendline of expected goal growth. Basically I want to trend how my data is growing over time with a visual of how I hoped it grew over time.
| timechart span=1w count as Downloads
Above, is an example of the base query, and I tried appending static data using a lookup table with prepopulated weekly download numbers to no avail. Before I go too far down this road, is there a way easier way I can plot a simple slope of static values growing 1% each week?
Thank you!
I was able to brute-force an inelegant solution to this.
I created a csv of what static values that I wanted the growth to resemble. I added it as a lookup 'staticgrowth.csv'
| timechart span=1w count as ActualDownloads
| appendcols
[| inputlookup staticgrowth.csv
| eval _time=strptime(date,"%Y-%m-%d")
| eval weekBeginning=relative_time(now(), "-0w@w")
| where _time<weekBeginning
| timechart span=1week values(staticDownloadCount) as GoalDownloads]