I want to create chart that compare single values daily.
for example want to compare (about 30 different product codes) that exist in my log (today vs yesterday), and visualize it with Trellis where as show compare each code on separate chart (for today and yesterday)
expected chart (separate by product code=100 and product code=200 😞
I write SPL like this:
index="myindex" | timechart count by code span=1h | timewrap d
but it combine them and show count of all product code in same chart and separate it by date!
any recommendation?
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yes it's not difficult but I want to use it for other fields too that some of them might be increase up to 100 different items!
like this: product code=30, product id=100, product tag=80, and so on ...
I need to find a way splunk automatically create this chart because when new field add automatically add to this dashboard
Do you want to look a hundred items?
see @rich7177 answer
and try another way.
Actually my problem is this how can i generate them automatically not limitation number of chart on a single page!
Let me declare Imagine i have 10 chart, now problem is how can i create them automatically without create manually!
I see , I'm sorry to waste your time.
No no I don’t mean you waste my time 🙂
BTW thank you for your answer.
![alt text][1]
as I mention overlay chart not separate chart for today and yesterday, need to both of them in single chart for each code.
it create several empty chart and separate them each 30 minutes!
default Splunk can't display Trellis what you want.
make dashboard , use base search and display two chart.
two chart? as I mention about 30 product codes, means 30 chart and might be increase depend on data that's why i use Tellis.
@indeed_2000 try making use of Splunk's internal fields date_mday and date_hour. Following is a run anywhere example based on Splunk's _internal index.
index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd earliest=-1d@d latest=now component IN ("UIAuth","WatchedFile","Metrics","PeriodicHealthReporter","LMStackManager")
| eval date_hour=printf("%02d",date_hour)
| stats count by date_hour date_mday component
| eval date_mday=if(date_mday!=strftime(now(),"%Y/%m/%d"),"Yesterday","Today")
In your case try the following and confirm!
| eval date_hour=printf("%02d",date_hour)
| stats count by date_hour date_mday code
| eval date_mday=if(date_mday!=strftime(now(),"%Y/%m/%d"),"Yesterday","Today")
i try both, but neither of them create chart like what i describe in post.
need overlay chart for compare yesterday and today for each code in Trellis.