I have a search that will work fine manually in the search app, but when I try to incorporate it as a hidden search in my custom app xml it gets the following error.
Encountered the following error while trying to update: In handler 'views': Error parsing XML on line 54: StartTag: invalid element name
Search Criteria:
sourcetype="orion__detail_daily" OR sourcetype="gomez_data" | eval percent_avail=coalesce(percent_avail,avail) | eval tier = if(sourcetype="Orion_Server_Detail_Daily","Server",if(sourcetype="Orion_Application_Detail_Daily","Application","User")) | stats avg(percent_avail) as appAvail by tier | eval grnColumn = if(appAvail>95, appAvail, 0) | eval yelColumn = if((appAvail<96* **AND appAvail***>89), appAvail, 0) | eval redColumn = if(appAvail<90,* appAvail, 0) | fields - appAvail
The parts in the search criteria that I have in bold are showing up as blue and what I have in italics are green in the xml editor. I believe this is where it's having the problem.
I haven't experienced this first hand, but my guess would be that the problem is that the "<" and ">" need to be converted to valid entities. So <
and >
I haven't experienced this first hand, but my guess would be that the problem is that the "<" and ">" need to be converted to valid entities. So <
and >
Thanks Dave, this worked perfectly!