I am trying to extract the full line from the raw data log matching a pattern in the line. Sample data:
blah blah
24 packages updated on 5th may 2021 3:00 pm
blah blah
I am able to use a regex to extract everything after a pattern lets say "packages updated" using the below regex, but I am not able to extract the full line including the number (24 in this case) in the beginning of the line.
base search
| rex field=_raw "(?m)packages updated\s(?<pkg_count>.*)"
With this above regex, I get a new field named pkg_count with value of = on 5th may 2021 3:00 pm
But I'd like to get a field with the full line "24 packages updated on 5th may 2021 3:00 pm"
You're close. Try this command
| rex field=_raw "(?<pkg_count>\d+)\s+packages updated\s(?<pkg_date>.*)"
The (?m) flag is not needed.
Perfect. Thank you!
You're close. Try this command
| rex field=_raw "(?<pkg_count>\d+)\s+packages updated\s(?<pkg_date>.*)"
The (?m) flag is not needed.