I have the bellow search:
index=test sourcetype=Test
|stats count by _time
|eventstats perc99(count) as p99
|eval Percentile = case(count >= p99, “99%”)
|stats count by transactions by percentile
I want to add a column that shows the % of transactions in the 99% percentile however can’t work out how to do this. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
The first part generates some dummy data
| gentimes start=-5 increment=1m | rename starttime as _time | fields - endhuman endtime starthuman | eval count=random() % 100
| eventstats perc99(count) as p99
| eval qualifying = case(count <= p99, count)
| eventstats sum(qualifying) as transactions sum(count) as total
| eval percentage=100*transactions/total
The first part generates some dummy data
| gentimes start=-5 increment=1m | rename starttime as _time | fields - endhuman endtime starthuman | eval count=random() % 100
| eventstats perc99(count) as p99
| eval qualifying = case(count <= p99, count)
| eventstats sum(qualifying) as transactions sum(count) as total
| eval percentage=100*transactions/total
That’s great, thanks for your help. 😀.