May 25 15:21:44 2097826: T2-D1-BDS LC/0/0/CPU0:May 25 15:21:44.362 GMT: npu_driver[273]: %L2-PLIM_ETHER-2-RX_LF : Interface HundredGigE0/0/0/3, Detected Local Fault
May 11 20:37:50 38897734: May 11 20:37:49 WIB: %GT96K_FE-5-LATECOLL: Late Collision on int FastEthernet0/0
May 11 20:37:50 196640143: May 11 20:37:50.789 WIB: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet3/22, changed state to down
May 11 20:37:50 196640142: May 11 20:37:48.868 WIB: %LINEPROTO-SP-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet3/22, changed state to up
May 11 20:37:50 38897733: May 11 20:37:48 WIB: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface FastEthernet0/0, changed state to up
May 11 20:37:50 34430720: 30340540: May 11 20:37:49.622 WIB: %BGP-5-ADJCHANGE: neighbor active Down BGP Notification sent
May 11 20:37:50 14180869: .May 11 20:02:22.000 WIB: %CDP-4-NATIVE_VLAN_MISMATCH: Native VLAN mismatch discovered on GigabitEthernet1/33 (3600), with SNMPTN-JKT FastEthernet0/5 (707).
I have event like above,
Trying to get milliseconds indexed,
Tried 1:
TIME_PREFIX = ^.*\d{4}:\s
TIME_FORMAT = %b %d %H:%M:%S.%3N
index = my-index
queueSize = 50MB
persistentQueueSize = 100MB
Tried 2:
TRANSFORMS-set_time = set-time
REGEX = (\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{3})
DEST_KEY = _time
Tried 3:
Using command: splunk train dates to get the custom datetime code.
DATETIME_CONFIG = $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/datetime_custom.xml
<!-- Version 4.0 -->
<!-- datetime.xml -->
<!-- This file contains the general formulas for parsing date/time formats. -->
<define name="sample-cisco_1_date" extract="litmonth,day,">
<define name="sample-cisco_1_time" extract="hour,minute,second,subsecond,zone,">
<define name="sample-cisco_4_time" extract="hour,minute,second,zone,">
<use name="sample-cisco_1_time"/>
<use name="sample-cisco_4_time"/>
<use name="sample-cisco_1_date"/>
None of above tries are working.
but i see I can do in search-time:
| rex field=_raw "^.*\d{4}:(\s|\s\.|\.|)*?(?.*):\s"
| eval _time = strptime(TIME, "%b %d %H:%M:%S.%3N")
It looks like strptime working as expected, but that is search time, I need to make it index time parsing.
Now I'm getting feeling is this because of no_appending_timestamp=false in default inputs.conf?
but that is default behavior, if I change it it is working, but will make other sourcetype parsing a mess.
with no_appending_timestamp=true, there is no additional timestamp at the leftside.
Any idea?
Thank you!
Hi There.. what about fixing the timestamp of the events that are missing the milliseconds using transforms to detect the space after seconds... then append .000 to it.
disabled = false
LINE_BREAKER = ([\r\n]+)
TIME_FORMAT = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3n
TRUNCATE = 10000
TRANSFORMS-01-FIXTIMESTAMP = fix_timestamp_missing_miliseconds
disabled = false
DEST_KEY = _raw
REGEX = ^(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})(\s.+)
FORMAT = $1.000$2
2018-05-30 00:00:00.007 INFO Platea elementum vivamus scelerisque curabitur te
2018-05-30 00:00:00.144 INFO Nulla tellus blandit erat semper turpis aliquet m
2018-05-30 00:00:00.277 INFO Ipsum ultrices cras dictumst aenean proin, litora
2018-05-30 00:00:00.301 INFO At nam tempor nec quis sem augue placerat suspend
2018-05-30 00:00:00.560 INFO Nec massa auctor nibh tellus conubia a lacus, nam
2018-05-30 00:00:00.701 INFO id pulvinar tempus massa cubilia curabitur at pri
2018-05-30 00:00:00.801 INFO Platea elementum vivamus scelerisque curabitur te
2018-05-30 00:00:00 INFO Nulla tellus blandit erat semper turpis aliquet m
2018-05-30 00:00:01.008 INFO Ipsum ultrices cras dictumst aenean proin, litora
2018-05-30 00:00:01.012 INFO At nam tempor nec quis sem augue placerat suspend
2018-05-30 00:00:01.210 INFO Nec massa auctor nibh tellus conubia a lacus, nam
2018-05-30 00:00:01.240 INFO id pulvinar tempus massa cubilia curabitur at pri
2018-05-30 00:00:01.360 INFO Platea elementum vivamus scelerisque curabitur te
2018-05-30 00:00:01.373 INFO Nulla tellus blandit erat semper turpis aliquet m
2018-05-30 00:00:01 INFO Ipsum ultrices cras dictumst aenean proin, litora
2018-05-30 00:00:01.000 INFO Ipsum ultrices cras dictumst aenean proin, li
2018-05-30 00:00:01.373 INFO Nulla tellus blandit erat semper turpis aliquet m
2018-05-30 00:00:01.360 INFO Platea elementum vivamus scelerisque curabitur te
2018-05-30 00:00:01.240 INFO id pulvinar tempus massa cubilia curabitur at pri
2018-05-30 00:00:01.210 INFO Nec massa auctor nibh tellus conubia a lacus, nam
2018-05-30 00:00:01.012 INFO At nam tempor nec quis sem augue placerat suspend
2018-05-30 00:00:01.008 INFO Ipsum ultrices cras dictumst aenean proin, litora
2018-05-30 00:00:00.000 INFO Nulla tellus blandit erat semper turpis aliqu
2018-05-30 00:00:00.801 INFO Platea elementum vivamus scelerisque curabitur te
2018-05-30 00:00:00.701 INFO id pulvinar tempus massa cubilia curabitur at pri
2018-05-30 00:00:00.560 INFO Nec massa auctor nibh tellus conubia a lacus, nam
2018-05-30 00:00:00.301 INFO At nam tempor nec quis sem augue placerat suspend
2018-05-30 00:00:00.277 INFO Ipsum ultrices cras dictumst aenean proin, litora
2018-05-30 00:00:00.144 INFO Nulla tellus blandit erat semper turpis aliquet m
2018-05-30 00:00:00.007 INFO Platea elementum vivamus scelerisque curabitur te