I have one requirement in which certain columns have to be grouped together on a table.
I have XSL sheet data as below. During indexing, I changed below columns as Prod_Sev1 Prod_Sev2 and so on, but is there way to show the same result with the format below?
Phase Prod Dev Test
Sev1 Sev2 Sev3 Sev1 Sev2 Sev3 Sev1 Sev2 Sev3
Phase1 4 5 4 3 4 0 2 3 2
Phase2 4 5 4 3 4 0 2 3 2
Phase3 4 5 4 3 4 0 2 3 2
No, but it can be done transposed like this:
This fakes the base data (you have a base search for this):
|noop|stats count AS Environment
|eval Environment="Prod,Dev,Test"|makemv delim="," Environment|mvexpand Environment
|eval Phase="Phase1,Phase2,Phase3"|makemv delim="," Phase|mvexpand Phase
|eval Severity=case((Environment="Prod"), "Sev1,Sev1,Sev1,Sev1,Sev2,Sev2,Sev2,Sev2,Sev2,Sev3,Sev3,Sev3,Sev3",
(Environment="Dev"), "Sev1,Sev1,Sev1,Sev2,Sev2,Sev2,Sev2",
(Environment="Test"), "Sev1,Sev1,Sev2,Sev2,Sev2,Sev3,Sev3")|makemv delim="," Severity|mvexpand Severity
Next you have to ensure that every Severity has a value (fillnull for 0
| eval EnvironmentPhase=Environment . ":" . Phase
| chart count BY EnvironmentPhase Severity
| untable EnvironmentPhase Severity count
| rex field=EnvironmentPhase "(?<Environment>[^:]+):(?<Phase>[^:]+)" | fields - EnvironmentPhase
| sort 0 - Phase
Lastly, we build the transposed view that you desire:
| eval EnvironmentSeverity=Environment . ":" . Severity
| chart first(count) BY EnvironmentSeverity Phase
| rex field=EnvironmentSeverity "(?<Environment>[^:]+):(?<Severity>[^:]+)" | fields - EnvironmentSeverity
| stats list(*) AS * BY Environment
| fields Environment Severity Phase*
This results in a view like this:
Environment Severity Phase1 Phase2 Phase3
Prod Sev1 4 4 4
Sev2 5 5 5
Sev3 4 4 4
Dev Sev1 3 3 3
Sev2 4 4 4
Sev3 0 0 0
Test Sev1 2 2 2
Sev2 3 3 3
Sev3 2 2 2
Hello woodcock
I have posted a query. I think it's similar to this one. Could you suggest?
Thank You!
...| rename Prod_Sev1 AS "1.P_Sev1", Prod_Sev2 AS "2.P_Sev2", Prod_Sev3 AS "3.P_Sev3", Dev_Sev1 as "4.D_Sev1", Dev_Sev2 as "5.D_Sev2", Dev_Sev3 as "6.D_Sev3" ...
That would put them in sequential order but not add the 1st header, and combine columns like your 1st row of data there.