I have an access logs which prints like this
server - - [date& time] "GET /google/page1/page1a/633243463476/googlep1?sc=RT&lo=en_US HTTP/1.1" 200 350 85
which rex is
| rex field=_raw "(?<SRC>\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+).+\]\s\"(?<http_method>\w+)\s(?<uri_path>\S+)\s(?<uri_query>\S+)\"\s(?<statusCode>\d+)\s(?<body_size>\d+)\s\s(?<response_time>\d+)"
Is there a way to seperate uri into two or 3?
This will get the 3 parts
Thank you worked like a charm, however i used
uri_query seemed to give results for Http/1.1
can you also please check this? It is follow up question.
An alternative to regex is to use split, which can be more semantically explicit. (And slightly more efficient.)
Now to using split. Assuming that you have that field uri.
| eval uri = split(uri, "?")
| eval uri_query = "?" . mvindex(uri, 1) ``` ?sc=RT&lo=en_US ```
| eval uri = split(mvindex(uri, 0), "/")
| eval root = "/" . mvindex(uri, 1) ``` /google ```
| eval remainder = "/" . mvjoin(mvindex(uri, 2, -1), "/")
This gives
remainder | root | uri_query |
/page1/page1a/633243463476/googlep1 | ?sc=RT&lo=en_US |
the search didnt give any results, also how do i get results of all the other companies like facebook, twitter?
This will get the 3 parts