I apologize if this as been asked before. The examples I have found are a bit too much, as what I want to achieve is hopefully simple.
I would like to show a column graph showing the average amount of logs received by hour over the last 7 days. The graph needs to have 24 hours as columns and their average count by hour over 7 days. So my search is as simple as:
device_type=firewall | timechart span=1h ?
Do you do a timechart with a span of 1h to get the hourly averages over the several days? I am not sure how to average them from there. Do I need a query for each hour of the day? I would assume I would have the search time going back as far as I want the log average to be effected by.
Any help would be appreciated!
Try something like this (assuming you want avg count for that hour for x days).
device_type=firewall | timechart span=1h count | eval Hour=strftime(_time,"%H:%M") | stats avg(count) as Avg_count by Hour
So if for past 7 days, the count for hour 10:00 is 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7 then Avg_count for 10:00 should be 4.
Try something like this (assuming you want avg count for that hour for x days).
device_type=firewall | timechart span=1h count | eval Hour=strftime(_time,"%H:%M") | stats avg(count) as Avg_count by Hour
So if for past 7 days, the count for hour 10:00 is 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7 then Avg_count for 10:00 should be 4.