There are some who are really good at regular expression, some okay, and the rest who downright are lost beyond a splat. What's the possibility of a search builder along a similar construct as "". If it weren't for RegexBuddy and RegexCoach, life would be a lot more difficult. Normal users wouldn't want to mess around with things like these. Even if they were motivated, who knows what they would be scheduling or running on the search bar.
For basic users the Splunk Field Extractor (arrow next to each event --> Extract fields) works pretty well. It writes regex for you on the fly and saves it automatically. It's not infallible but the 4.x version is pretty sexy.
For basic users the Splunk Field Extractor (arrow next to each event --> Extract fields) works pretty well. It writes regex for you on the fly and saves it automatically. It's not infallible but the 4.x version is pretty sexy.