hey try this run anywhere search
| makeresults
| eval data="abc.net:9090 abc.bb23.org:8081"
| makemv data
| mvexpand data
| rex field=data "^(?P<URL>[^\:]+)\:"
In your environment, you should write
<your_base_search> | rex field=<field_name> "^(?P<URL>[^\:]+)\:"
let me know if this helps!
One way is with rex
... | rex field=foo "(?<URL>[^:]+)" | ...
You want to use a regular expression to complete this.
If your field is called ipaddr the following code would apply. Replace the word ipaddr with whatever field you have which captures the IP address.
index=foo sourcetype=bar | rex field=ipaddr "(?P<ipaddr>.*):"
This returns everything before the : and places it in the field called ipaddr.
Let me know if this works.
Thank you,