I have been looking to see if splunk has the capability of searching for loggins outside of a specified set time range on windows and linux systems. What I mean by this is that I am looking to see loggings that only happen before, lets say, 0600 and after 1600. any information that i can get would be much appreciated.
I think you are looking for strftime. In the following, I'll also use relative_time to simplify the logic.
| eval shour = strftime(relative_time(_time, "+8h"), "%H") ``` push start to zero ```
| where shour < 15
Hope this helps.
Splunk can search for almost anything (some searches are simply easier done than others). It's about what kind of data you have in your Splunk. Remember that Splunk searches data it has stored in its indexes so you first have to feed the data from various systems to splunk. If you do that, then yes, it can perform such searches if your data is properly onboarded.