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How to get top products used by customers?

New Member

I'm trying to get the top products used by customers.

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New Member

I tried this index=f5_access sourcetype=f5_access_lo 
I got events with base URI, source type, URL, etc.



0 Karma


Ok. So judging from the naming this looks like logs from F5 solution. In order to answer your question you'll have to know what "products" mean in this context (and where they are included in your logs) and how do you define "top" products - used by most customers? How do you distinguish customers then? By unique IP? By some session identifier?

0 Karma

New Member

Hi Rick,
Thanks for the quick response.
Here the product is a table name, which is in the URL and customers have a unique name called instance it is also in the URL.  sc_catalog is the product here

Screen Shot 2023-03-07 at 12.21.33 PM.png

0 Karma


So, "product" is just the last segment of PATH_INFO.  Here is a general method to process URI field semantically.


| eval uri = split(urldecode(uri), "?")
| eval PATH_INFO = mvindex(uri, 0)
| eval product = mvindex(split(PATH_INFO, "/"), -1) ``` last segment ```
| eval QUERY_STRING = mvindex(uri, 1)
| rename _raw AS temp, QUERY_STRING AS _raw
| kv kvdelim="=" pairdelim="&"
| rename temp AS _raw


 Here, you not only get "product", but also parameters in QUERY_STRING.

To find top "product", then, is just an exercise of counting.


| eval uri = split(urldecode(uri), "?")
| eval PATH_INFO = mvindex(uri, 0)
| eval product = replace(mvindex(split(PATH_INFO, "/"), -1), "\.do$", "")
| top 5 product ``` replace 5 with however many you want ```

Here, we drop ".do" from "product" name.  This is just cosmetic.

Two additional points: When you ask a question, always illustrate your data (anonymize as needed), but in text.  This is a Splunk search forum, not an F5 forum.  Explain how the data should logically lead to your desired results.

Another pointer is about anonymization.  Public IP address can reveal a great deal about the business. (Even private IP address should be altered as a general rule.)


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What do your events look like? What have you tried so far? With what outcome?

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