Try this run anywhere example
|makeresults |eval product="A"|eval status="Start A1 A2 End"|makemv status|mvexpand status
|appendcols [|makeresults|eval time="08:00 08:05 08:15 08:20"|makemv time|mvexpand time ]
|rename COMMENT as "Dummy data ends here"
|eval time=strptime(time,"%H:%M")
|stats max(eval(if(status=="Start",time,null()))) as Start_Time,max(eval(if(status=="End",time,null()))) as End_Time by product
|eval duration=round((End_Time-Start_Time)/60)
change stats to eventstats if you want to see all records in the result
Thanks, it worked for me
Try this run anywhere example
|makeresults |eval product="A"|eval status="Start A1 A2 End"|makemv status|mvexpand status
|appendcols [|makeresults|eval time="08:00 08:05 08:15 08:20"|makemv time|mvexpand time ]
|rename COMMENT as "Dummy data ends here"
|eval time=strptime(time,"%H:%M")
|stats max(eval(if(status=="Start",time,null()))) as Start_Time,max(eval(if(status=="End",time,null()))) as End_Time by product
|eval duration=round((End_Time-Start_Time)/60)
change stats to eventstats if you want to see all records in the result