I have a table like in splunk this:
appname | value | time |
app1 | 10 | 2020-12-30 |
app1 | 12 | 2020-12-31 |
app2 | 23 | 2020-12-30 |
app2 | 20 | 2020-12-31 |
I want to filter the records that the value is increasing while the time. In this case, we can only find
(app1, 12 2020-12-31)
How could I write the splunk sql to implement this?
No problem. The solution I posted works for multiple rows per app.
Just add...
| streamstats count by app
| eval count="Row ".count
| xyseries app count value
Definitely worth getting to grips with xyseries and untable commands.
| rename sourcetype as app
| timechart count span=5m by app partial=f limit=0
| untable _time,app,count
| sort app,_time,count
| streamstats count as counter by app
| eventstats count as total by app
| streamstats sum(count) as prevCount by app window=1 current=f global=f
| eval delta=count-prevCount
| where counter=total AND delta>0
How about this? Lines 1-5 are to create some test data. The rest is the solution.
I've used
| streamstats sum(count) as prevCount by app window=1 current=f global=f
...instead of delta because I've assumed you want / need the "by app" clause.
I've also assumed you only want to know when the most recent event (per app) has a larger value than the previous event
Thanks for your answer, but it still doesn't work for me.
Are there ant ways to convert the table to
appname | row1 | row2 |
app1 | 10 | 12 |
app2 | 23 | 30 |
Then I can compare the "row1 < row2".
Thanks again
Will each app (app1, app2 etc) only ever have 2 values?
Each app may have several values, we need to convert the values to different columns according to the same app.
No problem. The solution I posted works for multiple rows per app.
Just add...
| streamstats count by app
| eval count="Row ".count
| xyseries app count value
Definitely worth getting to grips with xyseries and untable commands.
It works for me!, Thanks very much!
| rename sourcetype as app
| timechart count span=5m by app partial=f limit=0
| untable _time,app,count
| sort app, _time
| streamstats count as counter by app
| eventstats count as total by app
| where counter=1 OR counter=total
| table app count _time
| rename count as value
| streamstats count by app
| eval count="Row ".count
| xyseries app count value
Assuming you only have 2 rows per app, and you already have the data as per your table, then you just need the last 3 lines in the above. Everything above that is to generate some test data in the same format as your table.
Hi @febbi,
Please try below;
| sort time
| delta value as value_diff
| where value_diff > 0
Thanks for your answer, but it still doesn't work for me.
Are there ant ways to convert the table to
appname | row1 | row2 |
app1 | 10 | 12 |
app2 | 23 | 30 |
Then I can compare the "row1 < row2".
Thanks again