I have the search below that displays an availability percentage for me, but now I'm looking to time chart that percentage to show a trend of the availability percentage over time. I'm thinking that the issue I'm having is that once you use count
, that does a count over the selected time so it wraps up everything into that one percentage.
| stats count(eval(Login_Status)) AS Total count(eval(Login_Status=302 AND Recruiter_Status=200 AND QuickSearch_Status=200)) AS Success | eval Division=Success/Total | eval Percent=round ((Division)*100,2) | eval Final=Percent + "%" | table Percent
Anyone have any suggestions or ideas to try?
Use buckets and break your stats down by _time.
| bucket _time span=5m
| stats count(eval(Login_Status)) AS Total, count(eval(Login_Status=302 AND Recruiter_Status=200 AND QuickSearch_Status=200)) AS Success by _time
| eval Division=Success/Total
| eval Percent=round ((Division)*100,2)
| eval Final=Percent + "%"
| table _time, Percent
Use buckets and break your stats down by _time.
| bucket _time span=5m
| stats count(eval(Login_Status)) AS Total, count(eval(Login_Status=302 AND Recruiter_Status=200 AND QuickSearch_Status=200)) AS Success by _time
| eval Division=Success/Total
| eval Percent=round ((Division)*100,2)
| eval Final=Percent + "%"
| table _time, Percent
Thanks vasildavid!!! That did the trick