I have to make dashboard like different age limits as column heading
product (age)20-25 (age)30 -35
product1 200 300
product2 500 600
How to do this in splunk ?
Alternatively, if you don't need highly customized date ranges, you can use the bucket command before charting.
... | bucket age span=5 | stats count by product,age
See if the fieldformat command can help you: http://splunk-base.splunk.com/answers/35124/format-result-set-numbers
There is no Actual field name VJ8210 there are dynamic field name is coming so we are not able to do that.
Can you tell me how to add $ to dynamic field name.
Hi, for adding $ you use eval again:
eval age="$"+age
Replace age with your actual field names
Thank you, got it now i want to include a $ sign for the values below (age)20-25
product (age)20-25 (age)30 -35
product1 $200 $300
product2 $500 $600
How to do this as this table will be dynamic
| eval age_dist=floor(age/5)
This will give you a field named age_dist with distinct values for every 5 values of age
| eval age_range=case(age_dist==0,"(age)0-4",age_dist==1,"(age)5-9",...,age_dist==n,"(age)n*5-n*5+4")
This will give you the age groupings you are looking for
| stats count by product age_range
This will give you the table you are looking for
Your final search should look like:
... | eval age_dist=floor(age/5) | eval age_range=case(age_dist==0,"(age)0-4",age_dist==1,"(age)5-9",...,age_dist==n,"(age)n*5-n*5+4") | stats count by product age_range
Hope this helps