Splunk Search

How to create a subsearch based on parent search?

New Member

I want to create subsearch based on parent fields search. I want to show only rows from cor_inbox_entry that includes keys.OrderID. (keys.OrderID is substring of fullBodID)

Example for fullBodID : infor-nid:infor:111:APRD00908_2022-09-06T12:01:26Z:?ProductionOrder&verb=Process&event=10545 

Example for keys.OrderID : APRD00908

index=elbit_im sourcetype=cor_inbox_entry 
| spath input=C_XML output=bod path=ConfirmBOD.DataArea.BOD 
| xpath outfield=fullBodID field=bod "//NameValue[@name='MessageId']" 
    [ search "metadata.Composite"=ReportOPMes2LN 
    | search fullBodID = "*".keys.OrderID."*"] 
| table _time, fullBodID

Any idea?

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0 Karma


Do you already have an extracted field keys.OrderID?

If you want to search for rows that contain a value for that field, then just add

| search keys.OrderID=*


| where isnotnull('keys.OrderID')

after your xpath statement.

I am not sure you are talking about a subsearch, but perhaps really want a second search into the current results in the pipeline. 

You can add search or where clauses at any point in the pipeline to filter data as it travels through your search.



0 Karma


Is there a specific value for keys.OrderID that you are looking for? Or are you trying to extract all the various values for keys.OrderID and then filter the parent data to find all the events which contain those different values for keys.OrderID?

0 Karma
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