Splunk Search

How to create a dashboard search with the condition "If status is not success, show error code, type, and message on the same row"?


I want to create a dashboard with a table listing integration name and execution status with the following condition:

If execution status is different than success -> on same row, show error code, error type, and error message

0 Karma


I extracted Log.Execution.Status as a field , and now its pulls up all the status

How do i add another row in the table for this logic

If execution status is different than success -> on same row, show error code, error type, and error message

0 Karma


Assuming the fields integrationName, executionStatus (success/failure), errorCode, errorType and errorMessage are already extracted use below

yourQuery to return all the fields
| table  integrationName, executionStatus, errorCode, errorType and errorMessage | where executionStatus!="success"
0 Karma

index=ko_mulesoft source="*" source="*" "LOG.Execution.Status"="*" | table source, LOG.Execution.Status

Above search got me 278 3 results.

Next part to achieve is
if execution status is different than success -> on same row, show error code, error type and error message

How do I achieve that?

0 Karma


Looks like the "LOG.Execution.Status" is part of your data as a string and not as a field. You need to first extract the fields from your data strings

How to extract fields, see here:

Once the fields are extracted then you should run the query I put in where each of these is a Field in which your event data is saved as a result.

integrationName, executionStatus, errorCode, errorType and errorMessage

Else if you can paste your mulesoft log line here which has all the required data which you want to extract info from so I can assist you with the fields extraction.

0 Karma
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