I want to count the denials from the same source ip. How can I do this?
The Log looks like this:
May 28 07:22:30 aaa.aaa.aaa.aaa %ASA-4-106023: Deny icmp src MAN-TRANS-PIX:bbb.bbb.bbb.bbb dst MAN-PRIV-INFRA-DMZ1:dns1.man.internal (type 8, code 0) by access-group "MAN-TRANS-PIX_access_in" [0xe068225a, 0x0]
Thanks for help.
If you're looking for a specific source ip you can do this:
search for that source ip and denial events | stats count
If you're looking for a general count by source ip you can do this:
search for denial events | stats count by src_ip
Alternatively, this:
search for denial events | top src_ip
Other than that you may need to clarify your goal.
Now I've tried the search on another server with the same asa-logs. On this my search and counting works fine but on the production-server I get no results...
I am looking for a general count to get the sources which produces the most noise.
The count by src_ip producing no results. I think it's because the "MAN-TRANS-PIX:" in front of the IP. How can can I get these IP's out of this?
If you're looking for a specific source ip you can do this:
search for that source ip and denial events | stats count
If you're looking for a general count by source ip you can do this:
search for denial events | stats count by src_ip
Alternatively, this:
search for denial events | top src_ip
Other than that you may need to clarify your goal.
If you do not have that extraction, you are probably missing other usefull information. I suggest you install the free "Technology Add on for Cisco ASA" to all your indexers and search heads.
That was the problem.
If you don't yet have the source ip extracted into a field you can do something like this to get you started quickly:
... | rex "MAN-TRANS-PIX:(?<src_ip>(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})" | ...