I have this working query which needs some additional detailing.
index=_internal earliest=-1h@h latest=@h
| lookup api uri OUTPUT operation service
| rex "duration=(?<response_time>[^,]+)" | multikv | eval ReportKey="Today"
| append
[ search index=_internal earliest=-7d-1h@h latest=-7d@h
| lookup api uri OUTPUT operation service
| rex "duration=(?<response_time>[^,]+)" | multikv | eval ReportKey="lastweek" | eval _time=_time+604800]
| stats first(uri) as apiName avg(response_time) as avgresponse_time count by operationName ReportKey
Is there a way to get like this where it will compare all average response time and then give the percentile differences.
operation | uri |
today_avg (response_time) |
lastweek_avg (response_time) |
% differrences avg(response_time) |
today count |
last week count |
abc | /api/abc | 222 | 333 | 12312 | 42343 | |
xyz | /api/xyz | 867 | 4234 | 87978 | 67867 |
Hi @DougiieDee
This same question has also been asked and anwsered here