I want to search from a lookup table, get a field, and compare it to a search and pull the fields from that search based off of a common field. I would rather not use |set diff and its currently only showing the data from the inputlookup.
| set diff
[| inputlookup all_mid-tiers WHERE host="ACN*"
| fields username Unit ]
[ search index=iis
[| inputlookup all_mid-tiers WHERE host="ACN*"
| fields username ]
| dedup username
| dedup SiteIDOverride
| eval username=lower(username)
| fields username SiteIDOverride unitType installVer os jkversion
| join type=left
[ search index="iis" sourcetype="iis" earliest=-7d@d
[| inputlookup all_mid-tiers Where host="*ACN*"
| fields username]
| dedup username
| eval username=lower(username)
| eval timedelta=now()-_time
| eval time_delta_days=floor(timedelta/86400)
| stats first(time_delta_days) as Status by username
| eval Status=if(Status<"0","0",Status)
| eval StatA=Status
| rangemap field=StatA OK=0-0 Monitor=1-1 Contact=2-9999
| rename range as Status
| lookup all_mid-tiers host AS SiteIDOverride OUTPUT Unit Weaponsystem Last_access
| eval Last_access=strftime(Last_access, "%Y-%m-%d")
| rename Weaponsystem as unitType
| dedup Unit
| table Status Unit SiteIDOverride unitType installVer os jkversion Last_access
I can't seem to get it to pull SiteIDOverride unitType...^^ from the search.