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How to calculate the average time of day a job will finish with end_time field?

Path Finder

I have a table which has start_time & end_time of some jobs. Now i want to calculate the average at what point of time in a day the job ends.

start_time end_time
13/03/2014 11:12:29 am 13/03/2014 11:25:23 am
13/03/2014 12:02:05 pm 13/03/2014 12:15:29 pm
13/03/2014 12:29:00 pm 13/03/2014 12:58:20 pm
13/03/2014 01:00:30 pm 13/03/2014 01:12:59 pm

My average of end_time should tell me something like daily at "12:10:23 pm" the job will be finished.

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1 Solution


You could append this:

... | eval epoch_end = strptime(end_time, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") | stats avg(epoch_end) as avg_epoch_end | eval avg_end = strftime(avg_epoch_end, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")

View solution in original post


Try this!

(your search)|eval endtime_epoc=strptime(end_time,"%d/%m/%Y %I:%M:%S %P")|eval date=strftime(endtime_epoc,"%d/%m/%Y")|stats avg(endtime_epoc) as avg_endtime by date|eval avg_endtime=strftime(avg_endtime,"%I:%M:%S %P")|table date,avg_endtime


Send your table output to this:

| eval endtime_epoc=strptime(end_time, "%d/%m/%Y %I:%M:%S %p") | eval day_seconds=endtime_epoc%86400 | stats list(start_time) list(end_time) avg(day_seconds) as avg_day_seconds | eval avg_endtime=strftime(avg_day_seconds, "%I:%M:%S %p")


You could append this:

... | eval epoch_end = strptime(end_time, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") | stats avg(epoch_end) as avg_epoch_end | eval avg_end = strftime(avg_epoch_end, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
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