Splunk Search

How to alert if all the queues for a respective indexer gets full?

Path Finder

I need to create an alert when all the below queues are at 100% for respective indexer.  For this I am using "DMC Alert - Saturated Event-Processing Queues" inbuilt alert but need to tweak it a little bit to alert when all the 4 queues " aggQueue.*"  "indexQueue.0*"  "parsingQueue.*" and "typingQueue.0" are at 100% for that host.

Query - 

| rest splunk_server_group=dmc_group_indexer /services/server/introspection/queues
| search title=tcpin_queue* OR title=parsingQueue* OR title=aggQueue* OR title=typingQueue* OR title=indexQueue*
| eval fifteen_min_fill_perc = round(value_cntr3_size_bytes_lookback / max_size_bytes * 100,2)
| fields title fifteen_min_fill_perc splunk_server
| where fifteen_min_fill_perc > 99
| rename splunk_server as Instance, title AS "Queue name", fifteen_min_fill_perc AS "Average queue fill percentage (last 15min)"


Output -

Queue name Average queue fill percentage (last 15min) Instance

aggQueue.0 99.98 x
aggQueue.1 100.00 x
aggQueue.2 99.99 x
indexQueue.0 100.00 x
indexQueue.1 99.98 x
indexQueue.2 99.97 x
parsingQueue.0 100.00 x
parsingQueue.1 99.82 x
parsingQueue.2 99.98 x
typingQueue.0 99.96 x
typingQueue.1 99.99 x
typingQueue.2 99.96 x
aggQueue.0 100.00 y
aggQueue.1 100.00 y
aggQueue.2 100.00 y
indexQueue.0 100.00 y
indexQueue.1 100.00 y
indexQueue.2 100.00 y
parsingQueue.0 100.00 y
parsingQueue.1 100.00 y


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0 Karma


Hi @Navanitha,

i use this search:

index=_internal  source=*metrics.log sourcetype=splunkd group=queue 
| eval name=case(name=="aggqueue","2 - Aggregation Queue",
 name=="indexqueue", "4 - Indexing Queue",
 name=="parsingqueue", "1 - Parsing Queue",
 name=="typingqueue", "3 - Typing Queue",
 name=="splunktcpin", "0 - TCP In Queue",
 name=="tcpin_cooked_pqueue", "0 - TCP In Queue") 
| eval max=if(isnotnull(max_size_kb),max_size_kb,max_size) 
| eval curr=if(isnotnull(current_size_kb),current_size_kb,current_size) 
| eval fill_perc=round((curr/max)*100,2) 
| bin _time span=1m
| stats Median(fill_perc) AS "fill_percentage" max(max) AS max max(curr) AS curr by host, _time, name 
| where (fill_percentage>70 AND name!="4 - Indexing Queue") OR (fill_percentage>70 AND name="4 - Indexing Queue")
| sort -_time



0 Karma



Removing tcpin_queue* and counting the number of distinct base queue names by Splunk instance should allow you to alert when all 4 queues across any number of pipelines have breached your threshold:

| rest splunk_server_group=dmc_group_indexer /services/server/introspection/queues
| search ```title=tcpin_queue* OR``` title=parsingQueue* OR title=aggQueue* OR title=typingQueue* OR title=indexQueue*
| eval fifteen_min_fill_perc = round(value_cntr3_size_bytes_lookback / max_size_bytes * 100,2) 
| fields title fifteen_min_fill_perc splunk_server 
| where fifteen_min_fill_perc > 99
| rex field=title "(?<basename>[^.]+)" 
| eventstats dc(basename) as distinct_count by splunk_server
| where distinct_count==4
| fields - basename distinct_count
| rename splunk_server as Instance, title AS "Queue name", fifteen_min_fill_perc AS "Average queue fill percentage (last 15min)"

I've added the rex, eventstats, where, and fields commands on lines 6-9 to your original search.

In my own environments, I also keep an eye on blocked queues:

|  tstats latest(PREFIX(max_size_kb=)) as max_size_kb latest(PREFIX(largest_size=)) as largest_size where index=_internal source=*metrics.log* TERM(group=queue) TERM(blocked=true) by host PREFIX(name=)
0 Karma

Path Finder

@tscroggins  Thank you for looking into my query.  I tried the search query you posted and the results are same as my search query.  What I am looking for a consolidated report for example, in the output I pasted in my original post, instance "Y" has all the four queues full (parsingQueue* OR title=aggQueue* OR title=typingQueue* OR title=indexQueue) so my output should only be this instance name.  I will set up and alert for this host for further action.  Any suggestions pls ?


0 Karma



In the table in your original post, only instance X would pass the new where clause. If you want to reduce the results to just an instance name, you can add stats, dedup, etc. to your search:

| stats count by splunk_server
| fields - count

These would replace the rename command.

0 Karma

Path Finder

Query seems to be working but partially.  When I run the query I get results for splunk_server whose one of the  parsing queue pipeline is not greater than the threshold I set (which is >80). As per my requirement this server xyz should not showup as its parsing_queue.0 is not greater than thershold. (It should only report if all its 3 pipelines 4 Queues are greater than 80).

title fifteen_min_fill_perc splunk_server


Appreciate if you could also help me understand more on why dc is used here and how does it work?  

0 Karma
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