Splunk Search

How edit my search to get a chart of bin counts over time?

New Member

I'd like to create a chart of bin counts over time (with a span defined). Right now, I can get the result over the whole time period using:

... | stats count by clientip | bin count as bins | stats count by bins

How can I change this to get a chart of bin counts over time?

0 Karma


Is this what you're looking for?

... | timechart distinctcount(bin)


... | timechart count(bin)


... | streamstats count(bin) as bincount by clientip _time | timechart bincount by clientip


... | timechart span=1w count by clientip

0 Karma


@viraptor... You would need to retain the _time field after your first stats command runs. So you can use min(_time) or max(_time) function to retain the same and pass that on to timechart to plot count of bins over _time.

| stats count min(_time) as _time by clientip 
| bin count as bins 
| timechart count by bins
| makeresults | eval message= "Happy Splunking!!!"
0 Karma

New Member

That's not really what I'm after. This will give me the time of the first request for a given clientip. It may approximate what I'm after, but the difference matters in my case. I want the results analysed for each (for example) 15 min span separately.

0 Karma


Are you looking for somthing like the following?

 | stats count min(_time) as _time max(_time) as MaxTime by clientip 
 | eval duration=MaxTime-_time 
 | bin count as bins 
 | table _time bins duration

You might need to post-process and show duration via Timeline visualization and count via simple timechart.

Anyways. Let me also convert my Answer to comment so that others can pitch in with their answers/opinions.

| makeresults | eval message= "Happy Splunking!!!"
0 Karma
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