Evening Splunk experts,
I am stuck trying to perform an extraction. I am using the built-in tool, but it keeps generating an incorrect regex. When I try to generate one myself, which works just fine using only regex tester, I get a message that no matches were found.
Below are sample logs from an in-house app and I am trying to create a field called gen_id and store the value to the right of the GENDID in the logs.
Nov 16 20:34:39 dtcSource01 dtc_data: detailStatus: Message finished GENID 399488 done
Nov 16 20:34:39 dtcSource01 dtc_data: detailStatus: MMR Message done RGENID 4 GENID 399488
Nov 16 20:34:39 dtcSource01 dtc_data: detailStatus: DSTC: shield GENID 399488
Nov 16 20:34:39 dtcSource01 dtc_data: detailStatus: MMR processing Begin RGENID 4 GENID 399488 to local shield
Nov 16 20:34:36 dtcSource01 dtc_data: detailStatus: GENID 399488 queued for processing
Nov 16 20:34:36 dtcSource01 dtc_data: detailStatus: DSTC: Delivering GENID 399488 to DSTC (skipping local)
Nov 16 20:34:36 dtcSource01 dtc_data: detailStatus: DSTC: Tagging GENID 399488 for shield from 192.x.x.x
Nov 16 20:19:14 dtcSource01 dtc_data: detailStatus: Begin GENID 568833 GID 289575
Nov 16 20:19:12 dtcSource01 dtc_data: detailStatus: GENID 568938 queued for local processing
Nov 16 20:19:12 dtcSource01 dtc_data: detailStatus: DSTC: Delivering GENID 568938 to DSTC (skipping work queue)
Nov 16 20:21:05 dtcSource01 dtc_data: detailStatus: GENID 398845 SubStatus 'working'
Nov 16 20:21:05 dtcSource01 dtc_data: detailStatus: DSTC: Delivering GENID 398845 to DSTC (skipping work queue)
Nov 16 20:21:05 dtcSource01 dtc_data: detailStatus: GENID 398845 queued for processing
Nov 16 20:19:17 dtcSource01 dtc_data: detailStatus: MMR processing Begin RGENID 4 GENID 568938 to local
Nov 16 20:19:14 dtcSource01 dtc_data: detailStatus: DSTC: Delivering GENID 568833 to DSTC (skipping local)
Nov 16 20:19:11 dtcSource01 dtc_data: detailStatus: DSTC: Delivering GENID 568899 to DSTC (skipping local)
Nov 16 20:11:33 dtcSource01 dtc_data: detailStatus: DSTC: Tagging GENID 703728 for shield from 192.x.x.x
I tried the following commands, but they either don't capture what I need or capture data before or after the ID - not sure what I am doing wrong. A simple GENID\s\d+
should do it.
| rex field=_raw "GENID (?<GENID>.*)"
| rex field=_raw "GENID (?<GENID>\s\d+)"
| rex field=_raw "GENID (?<GENID> \d+).*?"
| (?P<FIELDNAME>\w+\s+\d+)
What I would like to have extracted are the following values - I want to be able to create a field called gen_id and store the values below.
Fieldname ID
GENID 399488
GENID 568833
GENID 398845
GENID 568833
Thanks for helping out.
I hope this work. I use \s
before GENID because there is value "RGENID" in your data.
| rex field=_raw "\sGENID\s(?<gen_id>\d+)"
Here's one way
Thanks for the reply, but I don't follow. I tried adding that to the regex generator to test and I get an error "Invalid regex: unexpected end of pattern"
That's strange. It missing the field name. Try this GENID\s(?\d+)
It's missing again. For some reason, the field name is getting dropped here. In the online documentation (http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.0/SearchReference/rex) for rex. look at the first example. There a "from" after the ? within angle brackets. That's what is missing. You need to add that, you may change "from" to whatever you would like to name the field. Hope this explains it
Hi @sundareshr
I just edited your original answer to get the field name within angle brackets to show up properly. Looks like it has to be within a Code Sample box on its own line. I've filed a bug with angle brackets not being rendered properly on this site when only surrounded by backticks.
@ppablo Thanks. I tried both backticks as well as code sample box on its own line. I have not been able to get those angle brackets to show these past couple days.