Still learning the language. Hopefully this is a simple one.
I have a lookup that displays as
Computer1 user1 user2 user3
Computer2 user1 user 2 user3
Computer 3 user1 user2 user3
I would like it to display
Computer1 user1
Computer1 user2
Computer1 user3
Computer2 user1
Computer2 user2
Computer2 user3
Computer3 user1
Computer3 user2
Computer3 user3
Found one method (assuming first field in your lookup is host)
| inputlookup yourlookup.csv | untable host fields users | table host users
Not really that simple, but possible. Assume that the fields containing the user names are called "name1,name2,name3" and that the pipe symbol "|" cannot appear in the user names.
Do this
yoursearch or lookup
| eval User = name1 . "|" name2 . "|" name3
| makemv delim="|" User
| mvexpand User
First this concatenates the user names into a single field delimited by "|". The makemv command turns that field into a multi-valued field. Finally the mvxexpand command makes a separate result for each value of the multi-valued field.
Is the number of columns fixed?