Splunk Search

How do I convert milliseconds on y axis to seconds in query Splunk?

Path Finder

Im trying to convert the milliseconds on the y axis to seconds, TM is the field that has the milliseconds. (TM field has been changed to requestTime using regex)

    host=<hostname> index=<index name> sourcetype="sourcetype name>" SP="8*" | rex field=_raw "TM=(?<requestTime>\d+)" | dedup requestTime  | timechart span=1h distinct_count(requestTime) by SP useother=false | eval warning = 10000

I tried the below search, but it didn't work

... | search requestTime | eval newtime=round('requestTime'/1000)
0 Karma


Hi @Jewatson17,
What you are trying is distinct_count which function will just return the distinct count of values of requestTime. If you just want count then it doesn't matter weather that is in milliseconds or in seconds. I think you should try other functions like avg or sum. In that case you can convert milliseconds into seconds, try below query (where I've used avg function but you can use anything else).

host=<hostname> index=<index name> sourcetype="sourcetype name>" SP="8*" | rex field=_raw "TM=(?<requestTime>\d+)" | timechart span=1h eval(avg(requestTime)/1000) by SP useother=false | eval warning = 10000

Hopefully this helps, correct me if I understand your requirement incorrectly.

Path Finder

I suspect what you're seeing on the y axis is the unique count of times a specific requestTime was seen.

If you change your query from:
timechart span=1h distinct_count(requestTime) by SP useother=false

stats distinct_count(requestTime) by SP

We should see a count of distinct values... so for example if requestTime had five cases where it was 2300 ms and 10 cases where it was 2500 ms then distinct_count would be 2. I don't think this is what you're looking for.

Instead, maybe try something like the following:

host=<hostname> index=<index name> sourcetype="sourcetype name>" SP="8*" 
| rex field=_raw "TM=(?<requestTime>\d+)"
| eval reqtimesec = round(requestTime/1000, 2)
| timechart span=1h max(reqtimesec) as maxt, min(reqtimesec) as mint, avg(reqtimesec) as avgt by SP useother=false
| eval warning=10

This will give you the average, max time, and min time of a specific SP (which looks a lot like SSO data to me :-D)

Hope that helps!

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