All our volume are recorded in multiple local currencies
I need to create a report which show our volume in USD.
I have created a look up table which contain the value: CUR EXCH
I have created following search:
index="summary" REPORT=PSVOL Type=Charge|LOOKUP PRJ_table PRJ OUTPUT PRG|lookup exch_rate CUR OUTPUT EXCH |eval Month= if(date_month="may", 5, if(date_month="june",6,if(date_month="january", 1, if(date_month="february",2, if(date_month="march",3, if(date_month="april",4, if(date_month="july",7, if(date_month="august",8,if(date_month="september",9,if(date_month="october",10, if(date_month="november",11, if(date_month="december",12,0))))))))))))|eval USDAMT=AMT*EXCH| STATS SUM(AMT) SUM(USDAMT) BY Month Type PRG CUR EXCH
This give following result:
1 Charge XXX USD 1 555.6
1 Charge YYY BRL 1.6022 666.6
1 Charge ZZZ CAD 0.97675 777.7
1 Charge VVV EUR 0.700648 888.8
1 Charge TTT GBP 0.607312 999.9
2 Charge XXX USD 1 111.1
2 Charge YYY BRL 1.6022 222.1
Question: How do I calculate the value in USD?
Managed to solve the problem myself!:
index="summary" REPORT=PSVOL Type=Charge|LOOKUP PRJ_table PRJ OUTPUT PRG|lookup exch_rate CUR OUTPUT EXCH |eval Month= if(date_month="may", 5, if(date_month="june",6,if(date_month="january", 1, if(date_month="february",2, if(date_month="march",3, if(date_month="april",4, if(date_month="july",7, if(date_month="august",8,if(date_month="september",9,if(date_month="october",10, if(date_month="november",11, if(date_month="december",12,0))))))))))))|stats sum(AMT) BY PRG CUR EXCH Month|rename sum(AMT) AS TOTAMT |EVAL USD=TOTAMT/EXCH | CHART SUM(USD) by Month PRG
Managed to solve the problem myself!:
index="summary" REPORT=PSVOL Type=Charge|LOOKUP PRJ_table PRJ OUTPUT PRG|lookup exch_rate CUR OUTPUT EXCH |eval Month= if(date_month="may", 5, if(date_month="june",6,if(date_month="january", 1, if(date_month="february",2, if(date_month="march",3, if(date_month="april",4, if(date_month="july",7, if(date_month="august",8,if(date_month="september",9,if(date_month="october",10, if(date_month="november",11, if(date_month="december",12,0))))))))))))|stats sum(AMT) BY PRG CUR EXCH Month|rename sum(AMT) AS TOTAMT |EVAL USD=TOTAMT/EXCH | CHART SUM(USD) by Month PRG
Thanks! The strftime is really great!
If you're not already, you'll probably want to utilize a temporal lookup for this as well. That way, you can get the exchange rate at the time of the event, rather than always getting the current exchange rate.
A little unrelated, but you might find this an easier to work with way of getting the numerical month number:
eval month_number=strftime(_time,"%m")