I am trying to add my company Entitlement to my user ID in order to have the possibility to open Support Cases within Splunk.
When going to "My Profile" => My Entitlements. I do not have the option to add the company's Entitlement
You can call into the Support Line - 866-SPL-UNKS and someone can assist you. If you have someone from your company already on the entitlement, they can open up a case to have you added.
You can call into the Support Line - 866-SPL-UNKS and someone can assist you. If you have someone from your company already on the entitlement, they can open up a case to have you added.
Here is the link in Splunk.com to our International Numbers: http://www.splunk.com/en_us/about-us/contact.html#customer-support
Support Line - 866-SPL-UNKS Is for the USA only. Irrelevant if you working from Europe
Contact your Splunk sales rep, he or she can help you sort this out.