Splunk Search

How can I write the following to get past the join limitation?


How can I write the following to get past the join limitation?



index=aws eventName=TerminateInstances
| Rename "requestParameters.instancesSet.items{}.instanceId" AS vm_id
| join vm_id type=left max=0
[ search index=aws source="us-west-1:ec2_instances" sourcetype="aws:description" ]
| dedup vm_id
| table _time, action, vm_id, tags.Name, userName




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0 Karma


Hi @sb01splunk,

join is a very slow command with the limit of 50,000 results in the subsearch, so I hint to see this approach using stats command:

index=aws (eventName=TerminateInstances OR (source="us-west-1:ec2_instances" sourcetype="aws:description"))
| eval status=if(eventName=TerminateInstances,"1","2"), 
| stats 
   dc(status) AS dc_status 
   values(status) AS status 
   earliest(_time) AS _time 
   values(action) AS action 
   values(tags.Name) AS tags.Name 
   values(userNa) AS userNa 
   BY vm_id
| where dc_status=1 AND status="1"
| table _time action vm_id tags.Name userName



0 Karma


Depending on how many events you have in the first search, you could try swapping them.

index=aws source="us-west-1:ec2_instances" sourcetype="aws:description" 
| join vm_id type=left max=0
[ search index=aws eventName=TerminateInstances
| rename "requestParameters.instancesSet.items{}.instanceId" AS vm_id ]
| dedup vm_id
| table _time, action, vm_id, tags.Name, userName

Or, you could try using stats to do the join, something like this

index=aws (eventName=TerminateInstances OR source="us-west-1:ec2_instances" sourcetype="aws:description")
| rename "requestParameters.instancesSet.items{}.instanceId" AS vm_id
| eval _event_time=if(eventNaame="TerminateInstances", _time, null())
| stats values(_event_time) as _event_time, values(_event_time) as _event_time, values(action) as action, values('tags.Name') as tags.Name, values(userName) as userName by vm_id
| eval _time=coalesce(_event_time,_time)


0 Karma


Thanks for getting me in the right direction.  The following seems to work

(index=aws sourcetype="aws:cloudtrail" eventName=TerminateInstances) OR (index=aws source="us-west-1:ec2_instances" sourcetype="aws:description")
| eval joiner=if(sourcetype="aws:cloudtrail", 'requestParameters.instancesSet.items{}.instanceId', vm_id)
| eval Time=if(eventName="TerminateInstances", _time, null())
| eval Time=strftime(Time, "%Y-%d-%m %H:%M:%S")
| stats values(*) as * by joiner
| where 'requestParameters.instancesSet.items{}.instanceId'=vm_id
| table Time, userName, action, vm_id, "tags.Name"

 if I try something like this though it returns nothing

(index=aws sourcetype="aws:cloudtrail" eventName=TerminateInstances) OR (index=aws source="us-west-1:ec2_instances" sourcetype="aws:description")
| eval joiner=if(sourcetype="aws:cloudtrail", 'requestParameters.instancesSet.items{}.instanceId', vm_id)
| eval Time=if(eventName="TerminateInstances", _time, null())
| eval Time=strftime(Time, "%Y-%d-%m %H:%M:%S")
| stats values(Time) as Time, values(userName) as userName, values(action) as action, values(vm_id) as vm_id, values('tags.Name') as tags.Name by joiner
| where 'requestParameters.instancesSet.items{}.instanceId'=vm_id
| table Time, userName, action, vm_id, "tags.Name"

I'm curious why the 2nd one returns nothing.

0 Karma


requestParameters.instancesSet.items{}.instanceId isn't included in the stats command in the second version so is not available for the where command

0 Karma
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