I am trying to figure out how to convert an table query into a histogram using timechart(), but I am having issues as no data is flowing (I read that is because when you use stats the value of _time disappear or something).
Here is my old query:
index="something" source="*-value*" ("random value 1" OR "*random value 2*")
| stats count(eval(match(_raw, "random value 1"))) as value_1,
count(eval(match(_raw, "random value 2"))) as value_2
by source
| where value_1 > 0 AND value_2 > 0
| table source
And this is what I have so far:
index="something" source="*-value*" ("random value 1" OR "*random value 2*")
| stats count(eval(match(_raw, "random value 1"))) as value_1,
count(eval(match(_raw, "random value 2"))) as value_2
by source
| where value_1 > 0 AND value_2 > 0
| timechart span=1d dc(source) as unique_sources
But not data is flowing, I already tried other ways and I am sure should be something easy that I am not able to figure out 😞
Hi @Alanmas
That is correct, the stats command summarised/transforms the data stream, so if you want to use a field in subsequent commands then you must ensure the field is based by either grouping (BY clause) or using a function.
In this case, you look to be summarising results on a daily bases so something like this might meet your needs
index="something" source="*-value*" ("random value 1" OR "*random value 2*")
| bin span=1d _time
| stats count(eval(match(_raw, "random value 1"))) as value_1,
count(eval(match(_raw, "random value 2"))) as value_2
by _time source
| where value_1 > 0 AND value_2 > 0
| timechart span=1d dc(source) as unique_sources
Hope that helps
@yeahnah and just out of curiosity, is it possible to create a Multi-Series Line Chart using 2 different queries that works by themselves?
For example:
1 line:
index="something" source="*-value*" ("random value 1" OR "*random value 2*")
| bin span=1d _time
| stats count(eval(match(_raw, "random value 1"))) as value_1,
count(eval(match(_raw, "random value 2"))) as value_2
by _time source
| where value_1 > 0 AND value_2 > 0
| timechart span=1d dc(source) as unique_sources
2nd line chart:
index="something" source="*-value*" ("random value 1" OR "*random value 3*" OR "*random value 4*" OR "*random value 5*")
| bin span=1d _time
| stats count(eval(match(_raw, "random value 1"))) as value_1,
count(eval(match(_raw, "random value 3"))) as value_3,
count(eval(match(_raw, "random value 4"))) as value_4,
count(eval(match(_raw, "random value 5"))) as value_5,
by _time source
| where value_1 > 0 AND (value_3 > 0 OR value_4 OR value_5)
| timechart span=1d dc(source) as unique_sources
It looks like it is easier just to split into to 2 billboards, but might be be better to have them in the same one (in case it is possible)
Just to answer my own question, yes it is possible just adding union between them 🙂
Hi @Alanmas
That is correct, the stats command summarised/transforms the data stream, so if you want to use a field in subsequent commands then you must ensure the field is based by either grouping (BY clause) or using a function.
In this case, you look to be summarising results on a daily bases so something like this might meet your needs
index="something" source="*-value*" ("random value 1" OR "*random value 2*")
| bin span=1d _time
| stats count(eval(match(_raw, "random value 1"))) as value_1,
count(eval(match(_raw, "random value 2"))) as value_2
by _time source
| where value_1 > 0 AND value_2 > 0
| timechart span=1d dc(source) as unique_sources
Hope that helps
@yeahnah THANK YOU!!!
I did not know the usage of bin + by _time
This is exactly what I was looking for!! YOU ARE AWESOME 🙂