If I have to show that 8 out of 10 tickets have been closed how can I best show this? I need to show the total count as well as completed count
This should get you started. You'll likely need to change the eval
expression to whatever indicates a closed ticket.
<your base search for all tickets> | stats count(eval(status=Closed)) as closed, count as total | eval "Percentage Closed"=(closed*100)/total | rename closed as "Tickets Closed", total as "Total Tickets" | table "Tickets Closed" "Total Tickets" "Percentage Closed"
One way to visually represent this would be to create a statistics table like this (with the percentage column optional, but nice to have):
Tickets Closed | Total Tickets | Percentage Closed
8 | 10 | 80%
Alternately, you could make a dashboard with two single
items (or three, if you wanted the percentage), one for each value. And another way that would make sense to present that data would be a pie chart.